About the Bitch - Bitch Birtha Press

‘Book of Babel’
previously accepted for publication

by Samuel Weisser Inc,
under the title
‘Meditations on the Sleeping Dragon’

© Michaell Allen 1997, 2000

To read Synopsis ‘click’ on image.Sleeping Dragon and the Sea


Prelude to

©2012, 2021
‘Meditations on the Sleeping Dragon’ was compiled over a 10 year period, 1988-1997; 10 chapters, 552 pages, 163 references, and abundance of visuals. After 2 years of queries, I received on my Birthday day in 2000, a letter of acceptance from Samuel Weisser, Inc., who I had not queried, but had Nicholas/Hayes, and on request sent MS. Betty Lundsted, who was publisher, thought it more a Weisser book, where she was VP, so gave it to Donald Weisser who said it would be a ‘fun project’; planned for publication in 2002. Long story short: in midst of everything Betty died, company sold to RedWheel, who told me the book did not fit their plan. Socked in the gut, I shelved it and went back to my life as a visual artist. But occasionally start resurrecting it as ‘Book of Babel’.

            It is a very eclectic project based on Mythology, Theology, Philosophy and Psychology; a collage of many voices; a surrealistic cataloguing of thoughts of many minds of our time and past; pulled together to speak one thought, for a positive transition to Future Now.

            ‘Synopsis’ was created by extracting virtually all quotes from full MS, a bit lacking without that plethora of quotes from higher minds tying entire work together; and without abundant visuals adding the serious, humorous and puny. But still, ‘Synopsis’ retains gist of the work.